Thursday, May 28, 2015

"Are the habits you have today on par to the dreams the you have for tomorrow." In this video you will see that many different uses of triggers that are used by the speaker to compel you to think and apply your situation now to where you would like to be tomorrow. Many times over and over the narrator asks the questions, what are we doing right now, and does that go in line with what we want to be doing tomorrow? The models outcomes help to take someone out of their state of mind in that moment and make them think, really think of what they are doing and than compare that to their dreams and aspirations. This simply exercise will tell a lot to the person alone. After this exercise is done your actions will speak louder than your words.

Our needs in life are many, but what is a need and how do we define that. as you can see from this video, Stephen curry had a need probably to rest or talk with friends but instead he was on the court getting 100-150 shots in before practice actually started. He probably had a need to leave and places to be after practice but stayed until he could SWOOSH 5 free throws in a row.

Emotions play a part in everything we do. Stephen Curry had to be emotional in what he was doing to be where he is at today. If he was not emotional he would not have pressed so hard or been so critical, but that is exactly why he gets the results he does to this day. The thoughts put out by this film ask us if we are emotional about what we do, we better be. If you not, why are you doing it?

Attitude goes hand in hand with consistency.The attitude to drive you also comes from the emotion felt. These both drive you to be consistent in action. What the narrator is showing us is that if we can align what we constantly think about and yearn for with what we do on a day to day basis and we are consistent, we will eventually get what we are looking for.


  1. This type of commitment, stamina, and focus is amazing to me. I can't imagine all the sacrifices that people like Curry put themselves through. Thank you for sharing.

  2. This type of commitment, stamina, and focus is amazing to me. I can't imagine all the sacrifices that people like Curry put themselves through. Thank you for sharing.

  3. I found this to be highly motivating. It brings to light a pattern of success. Not only is the attitude important, but consistency is key. Curry was willing to go the extra mile, put in the extra practice, and be consistent in his effort. He didn't just attempt 5 free throws at the end of practice, he MADE 5 free throws after practice. These extra efforts, coupled with talent, drive and consistency helped him achieve greatness.

  4. If you put in the time and energy and you're willing to sacrifice what it takes to succeed then you really can achieve your dreams. It won't be easy and you may fail time and time again but it can be done if you don't lose the determination you started with.
