Tuesday, June 9, 2015

I decided to sit down and speak to my sales group at work about how we can win the business of our client and the science behind that. We got the group together and invited people from other departments such as shipping and also the processing departments.

Starting out I explained the life cycle of what we do what we that is important. I wanted to make it a point that we were all on the same page, even if that meant a little repetition for some people. I then went into depth on a description of who our client is and how we find them. In this particular scenario I explained that our client is a purchaser of bulk super fruits. Much of our clients have much need for our fruits and buy in large quantities, but for one reason or another they don not prefer to go outside the United States to seek the fruit from a cheaper source. This is where we come in. Because of our expertise of going outside the continental U.S, we can bring the fruit to our clients. This process feeds the appetites of both parties. They are willing to pay a little more for the fruit they need without having the issue of international customs to deal with and shipping costs involved.

It is not hard to find a client and make a sale. This was not the point I wanted to drive home in this training. What I wanted to drive home was that of how we view a client and how we can have them as a reoccurring client versus a one and done deal.

When  working with our clients we want to know more about them than just simply what they want. We want to know what they require. Are there any processes that they have to go through when we give them the fruit that we can already have done for cheaper for them? We don't merely want to appear as a seller to the client but a lionize and a friend.

A lot of times I will go visit our clients in person. I spoke to the group about this in depth and why it is so important. To be able to know my client better than the next broker, I need to go and get to know that client. What would set me apart from the other brokers is that I can now relate more to them individually and lets me draw from a well of trust that strengthens our relationship. At this point we then are talking to our client on a regular basis and we are not only looking at a one or two sale deal but a residual of sales and now become their go-to guys.

My Linkery Survey that I passed out had questions that would rate me on my filler words. How well I related to the audience. What the situation and speech applied to the individuals where they felt investment in the speech and closer because of it? I was happy to see for the most part I was able to see that my audience felt engaged and involved. They felt that the discussion was beneficial for them and time well spent. I still use filler words. What I found interesting is that when I used visuals in my speech and examples to explain my filler words were used a lot less. My filler words increased when i was not drawing off of other "props" to help my case , speech out in getting my point across.

This has helped me to realize that I need to focus more on being able to prepare and know how I can more productively change my habits of filler words without props. Just starting to notice this myself through these grading scales I gave out has helped me to be more cautious about using less filler words and also aware of what I need to do instead.

Thursday, June 4, 2015

Larson's Cultural Images and Myths

The Wisdom of the Rustic is the valuing humble beginnings and believe that difficulty helps to be a teacher in in these circumstances. Sir Ken Robinson speaks about how he believes that creativity is not seen as creativity should be anymore. It is seen as a hindrance. He backs up his thoughts with the fact that this creativity alone can help you find more meaning in your life to serve a greater purpose than otherwise if you were not following these intuitions.. 

 Possibility of Success which is the idea that success comes to those that are honest and work hard.Sir Robinson speaks about a good friend of his that founded Julliard School of Dance and has been responsible for many key plays and performances and a multi millionaire. Where years earlier when in grad school her teachers thought she has a learning disability because she would not sit still. Thank goodness for this wise teacher that helped this little girl's mother realize that she wasn't sick, she wanted to dance. 

 Value for Challenge in this speech is the water to the plant. This is what helps us as individuals grow and also learn. Sir Robinson touches in his speech how our society and school systems have gotten off track and instead of encouraging growth and for the students to take action they actually have conditioned us to be afraid to make mistakes. Sir Robinson goes on to argue that this is killing creativity amongest students.

Sir Robinson put forth many good arguments that I have personally experienced and sometimes still see in education now. My goal and drive is to not be dispelled in any way against a notion that I am told something is wrong if I feel it is right. Sir Robinson was hopeful for change and that things can be changed, but this will not happen within the school system, this has to happen within us, as parents and leaders within our own communities.

Thursday, May 28, 2015

"Are the habits you have today on par to the dreams the you have for tomorrow." In this video you will see that many different uses of triggers that are used by the speaker to compel you to think and apply your situation now to where you would like to be tomorrow. Many times over and over the narrator asks the questions, what are we doing right now, and does that go in line with what we want to be doing tomorrow? The models outcomes help to take someone out of their state of mind in that moment and make them think, really think of what they are doing and than compare that to their dreams and aspirations. This simply exercise will tell a lot to the person alone. After this exercise is done your actions will speak louder than your words.

Our needs in life are many, but what is a need and how do we define that. as you can see from this video, Stephen curry had a need probably to rest or talk with friends but instead he was on the court getting 100-150 shots in before practice actually started. He probably had a need to leave and places to be after practice but stayed until he could SWOOSH 5 free throws in a row.

Emotions play a part in everything we do. Stephen Curry had to be emotional in what he was doing to be where he is at today. If he was not emotional he would not have pressed so hard or been so critical, but that is exactly why he gets the results he does to this day. The thoughts put out by this film ask us if we are emotional about what we do, we better be. If you not, why are you doing it?

Attitude goes hand in hand with consistency.The attitude to drive you also comes from the emotion felt. These both drive you to be consistent in action. What the narrator is showing us is that if we can align what we constantly think about and yearn for with what we do on a day to day basis and we are consistent, we will eventually get what we are looking for.

Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Persuasion Application/ Rita Pierson: Every kid needs a champion

I chose to watch a TED talk given by Rita Pierson that was regarding education and titled, "How every kid needs a champion". This title first caught my attention because I am currently growing in my education, scholastically and on my own. I have seen TED talks in the past and for the most part have enjoyed the quick, to the point speeches that are given. Rita goes into education first because she is an educator herself. She turns the tables a little in her discussion. You think she is going to talk about how you can help a child learn on a scholastic level, maybe some tricks to the trade and how you can succeed academically. What she focuses on and what I really liked is the fact that an educator can do all they want in terms of educating a child, or teaching some sort of curriculum. Now the child learning that subject or grasping that concept is up to the child. This is because if the child doesn't like the educator that child will not learn from them. She goes into the depth and meaning of a valued relationship between her and her students. On a class level and also to an individual basis. She talks about being positive and capturing the attention of the students by simply doing something that is not common. Maybe apologizing to your class once in a while if you do something wrong. She is big advocate of the power of positivity. Even if a child is not grasping concepts of progressing the way you would like, keeping their spirits high and mental state positive is key to any success in the future. She shared an example of given her class a 20 question quiz. One child only got 2 answers right. When he received his paper he said, "Mrs Rita, why did you put +2 and a smiley face, inst this a F?" She replied and said,"yes, and your almost there, you did not miss all 20, you got 2 right". she then asked the child if he would do better next time and he said yes I will. This simple example helps up to see the power and motivator a positive attitude can have.
 I love the Possibility of Success that is shares in this message. This goes in line with what we learned regarding Larsen's Cultural Images and Myths. Rita brings out the motivation that needs to be used in the classroom and how this has a positive effect with her students. She has arrived at this conclusion because of her personal experiences in being positive as a motivator for the kids and also the affect that has taken place because of it. She also draws upon experiences that she has learned and experienced from her mother as an educator that have made impressions that have lasted beyond her lifetime, and that is something great to live for, is Rita's belief. To help make this point Rita repeated on multiple occasions examples, bad or good to prove her point and steer you to lean towards that of being a positive motivator in all things, especially as an educator.